Eight years of daily flower photography

That Oneness –
Me - the flower –
Life cycles –
The spirit that flows through
Light - shades
Smells - movement
The hand that directs the melody


A thousand years in your sight

are like a day that has just gone by,

or like a watch in the night.


Psalm 90:4


Diary note:

Flooded with colours and lights
I close my eyes and see colours
I dream of a flower -
Its colour
I wake up to flowers
Colours in my mind -
Around me - within me.


Flowers – colours, freedom
Unravelling to their potential
I too want to be –
In full colour

The pulse of time – movement – softness

Breathe – observe

Social distance

People in masks

Someone is approaching; we are looking to get away from each other, looking down.

Have you noticed that people look down when they wear masks?

Stop for a moment - breathe ten conscious breaths.

Look at the flower while breathing - the colour - the shape.

Observe what comes into your mind.




Autumn lockdown
I go on a daily walk.

I stop at a flower,
near a tree.
Internalise the flower,
the tree.


A bright day full of scents
Spring in its buds
Perhaps a place for renewal
Where a delicate wing of goodness
will spread its blessings

Soon, I'll wake up
Encircled with grace and spirit
Pulsating, spreading the sweet
Fragrance of hope
Like the rose on the table